Unveiling the Coming Global Revolution and the Custodians of the Destiny of Our World and Planet
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As increasing global crises threaten the world with chaos and the inevitability of the Apocalypse, The Global Destiny People makes a revolutionary rediscovery of the biblical forecast of a millennium of incomparable global rebirth. The book reveals how the predicted global reinvention of the Millennium will be spearheaded by the “Armies of Heaven,” a biblical term shown to indicate an extraordinarily powerful global organization, the “Zion Mission.” With engagements reaching into every sphere of human endeavor — politics and government, religion and education, science and technology, commerce and industry, and arts and entertainment — the ultimate goal of the Zion Missionaries subsequent to their empowering encounter with Angels is the radical re-ordering and post-Apocalypse rebuilding of the entire earth, the conquest of mortality and the ushering in of eternity.
In sharpening this portrait of the promised Millennium and the destiny of our world and planet, David Olawoyin draws upon a variety of biblical, contemporary and secular types, shadows, events and witnesses. Prominent among them is TIME magazine’s milestone publication, the TIME 100 series, which remarkably substantiates the biblical testimony of the composition of the Armies of Heaven. In the process, the author unveils the intriguing millennial portents of some landmark creations and famed organizations of the present time, including the national flag of Israel, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the Microsoft Corporation, the Freemasons, the Illuminati and the United States of America.
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The Global Destiny People is the first book in a trilogy conceived from an original manuscript. Here are some excerpts from reviews of the complete work:
- “I am truly amazed at the scope of your [vision]. I cannot recall anyone speaking of Biblical Prophecy and the ‘Last Act’—that is, the Millennium and the Ever-After that follows—in the manner that you have, nor attempting to view the Millennium with any skill, unless perhaps the grandmaster of allegory, C.S. Lewis.” — Scot Hale, Christian writer
- “This is extremely well researched and written! You have incredible insight and have put together a staggering amount of information.” — Patti Tingen, A God for All Seasons
- “This is an amazing piece of work. You say early on that you want to ‘bring the Scriptures’ alive—and you certainly do that. Your knowledge is quite astounding and you write about ‘great’ things in a way that is accessible to those of us who are not familiar with the Scriptures.” — Debbie Roxburgh, Speedy McCready
- “A must-read for anyone awaiting the coming Millennium. Thought provoking and interesting, David ties in Scripture to uphold a uniquely detailed expounding of the coming reign of the Messiah. Right, wrong or unsure, his revelations inspire and challenge the reader to see Scripture from some fresh angles. A greatly enjoyable read.” — Unknown
- A truly well-wrought explication of Biblical allegory and prophecy that actually makes sense! — Jim Heter, The Lamia
- “Compelling writing! …a dynamic piece that explores the Millennial Kingdom in a way that I personally have never thought of before… There is a place for this fine work; it’s so enjoyable to read, and I’m confident that many people will feel the same. Your piece is a poem of fresh thoughts about what the world will be like when [Jesus] returns, and that fascinates me! What I love most about your piece is that over and over again, you lay tribute to Jesus… I am touched and edified, and encouraged, for that glorious day.” — Sam Cronin
- “What can I say that hasn’t already been said—nothing. I will however reiterate the sentiments: complete work of genius. I do believe God has truly afforded you the gift of insight, discernment, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Wisdom is highly esteemed and so is your book.” — Chad Rose, Convoluted Christianity
- This is one book that I believe every Christian should read. It is excellently written and presents an insightful perspective of the great heritage that we have in Christ.” — “Mikeydot”
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Whether you are a Christian, general reader or Bible scholar, The Global Destiny People has something for you!
As a Christian, you will:
- Discover the incomparable new life that is you heritage here on earth in the promised regeneration of the Millennial Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Discover how some of the most wonderful promises that the Bible makes to you—promises that the realities of the present life often seem to question—will be remarkably fulfilled in the Millennium.
- See the big picture of your present life, gain a deeper appreciation of your life purpose, and receive greatest motivation to keep the faith in the midst of present challenges.
- Discover how the composition and operation of the present Christian Church are a shadow of, and a prelude to, much more glorious things to come.
- Discover how the eternal life that is your ultimate heritage in Christ will actually be experienced here on Earth, after the fiery purification of the planet through the coming Apocalypse and its astounding rebuilding during the Millennium.
As a general reader, you will:
- Appreciate how almost every aspect and activity of the present world order testifies about the promise of another coming one that is incomparably better and beckoning, thus finding greatest hope in the midst of present distresses.
- Discover the divinely provided solution to the overwhelming problems of the present world.
- Glimpse the amazing and multifaceted revolution that this divinely provided way promises.
- Realize how much of what is tagged “science fiction and fantasy” actually have biblical bases and are one way through which providence has afforded the discerning mind an opportunity to preview wonderful “things which must shortly come to pass.”
As a Bible scholar, you will:
- Discover some fresh and challenging interpretations of some symbols contained in the biblical Revelation, the “Book of Symbols.”
- Locate some exciting new trails for exploring and better understanding this recognised but little-appreciated subject of the Millennium.
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The Global Destiny People uniquely:
- Breaks fresh, new grounds and opens revolutionary pathways for the millennial discourse, expounding the subject with an unprecedented premise and scope.
- Blends in-depth biblical study with creative imagination and contemporary knowledge.
- Tells its story with a style and in a language that inspires the average reader, yet with a profundity and detail that engages the scholar.
- Brightens, sharpens and strengthens its message of the promised Millennium by dipping into an extensive reserve of biblical and contemporary types, shadows, events and witnesses.
- Emphasizes the individual’s place in the Millennium, thereby taking the subject out of the realms of the merely theological and strengthening its appeal to common seekers.